Всё для изучения Python: 181 бесплатный материал + бонус
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В данном списке вы сможете найти материалы для изучения языка Python с целью применения его в анализе данных и не только. Последний раздел — это бонус: если этой подборки вам оказалось мало, там есть ещё 4!
Кстати, у нас есть подборка с более подробными аннотациями к материалам — возможно, они помогут вам точнее подобрать ресурс для себя.
- Язык Python
- Наука о данных и Python
- Библиотека Pandas
- Машинное обучение
- Scikit Learn
- Линейная регрессия
- Логистическая регрессия
- k ближайших соседей
- Нейронные сети
- Деревья решений
- Случайный лес
- Метод опорных векторов
- NLP / Text Mining
- Анализ тональности текста
- Pickle
- AutoML
- Регулярные выражения
- Shell-скрипты
- Больше подборок богу подборок
Язык Python
- Awesome Python
- На русском Материалы для изучения Python
- Must-watch videos about Python
- Видео Самые интересные доклады с PyCon 2016
- На русском Короткие ответы на популярные вопросы о Python
- Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms!
- Dive Into Python
- Learn Python Wiki on Reddit
- Highest Voted Python Questions
- Python Basic Concepts
- Quick Reference to Python
- The Elements of Python Style
- What does the yield keyword do in Python?
- Parsing values from a JSON file in Python
- Python Quora FAQs
- time-complexity of various operations — list/dict — in current CPython
- Python Scripting Tutorial
- Can I use Python as a bash replacement?
Наука о данных и Python
- Data Science IPython Notebooks
- Awesome Python – Data Analysis
- Statistics and Data Science
- An Introduction to Scientific Python (and a Bit of the Maths Behind It) – NumPy
- Data Analysis and IPython Notebooks
- Python for Data Science: Basic Concepts
- Pycon India 2015 Notes
- 5 important Python Data Science advancements of 2015
- Data Exploration with Numpy cheat sheet
- Querying Craiglist with Python
- PDF An introduction to Numpy and Scipy
- Create NBA Shot Charts
- PythoR- Python meets R
- How do I learn data analysis with Python?
- What are some interesting things to do with Python?
- Which is better for data analysis: R or Python?
- Web scraping in Python
- The Guide to Learning Python for Data Science
- Интерактивное обучение Free Interactive Course: Intro to Python for Data Science
- Python For Data Science — A Cheat Sheet For Beginners
- Top voted Python data science questions
- Awesome Python — Data Visualization
- Awesome Python — Map Reduce
Библиотека Pandas
- Intro to pandas data structures
- An Introduction to Scientific Python – Pandas
- 10 minutes to Pandas
- Useful Pandas Snippets
- Timeseries analysis using Pandas
- Pandas Exercises — Practice your Pandas skills
- Grouping in Pandas
- “Large data” work flows using pandas
- Видео Easier data analysis with pandas
- Быстрые операции в Pandas DataFrame:ВидеоRenaming Columns in Pandas How do I rename columns in a pandas DataFrame?Deleting Columns from pandas DataFrame How do I remove columns from a pandas DataFrame?Adding new Column to existing DataFrameAdd one Row in a pandas.DataFrameChanging the order of DataFrame ColumnsChanging data type of Columns How do I change the data type of a pandas Series?Getting a list of the column headers from a DataFrameConverting list of dictionaries to DataframeGetting row count of pandas DataFrameMost efficient way to loop through DataFramesDeleting DataFrame row based on column valueDropping a list of rows from Pandas DataFrame Sorting a DataFrame or a single column Filtering DataFrame rows by column value Filtering DataFrame rows using multiple criteria Dropping all non-numeric columns from a DataFrame Counting and removing missing values Selecting multiple rows and columns from a DataFrame Reducing the size of a DataFrame
Машинное обучение
- AI, ML Related List
- Data Normalization in Python
- Python Machine Learning Book
- Table of Contents and Code Notebooks
- Machine Learning with scikit learn
- Machine Learning Algorithms Cheatsheet
- How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?
- One Hot Encoding for Machine learning in Python
- Building a (semi) Autonomous Drone with Python
- Awesome Python — Machine Learning
- Awesome Python — Computer Vision
Scikit Learn
- scikit learn on Wikipedia
- Introduction to machine learning with scikit-learn
- A Gentle Introduction to Scikit-Learn: A Python Machine Learning Library
- PyData Seattle 2015 Scikit-learn Tutorial, sklearn_scipy2013
- SKLEARN BENCHMARKS: A centralized repository to report scikit-learn model performance across a variety of parameter settings and data sets, Report results of sklearn benchmarks at openml.org
- How to get most informative features for scikit-learn classifiers?
- Code example to predict prices of Airbnb vacation rentals, using scikit-learn on Spark
- Machine Learning with scikit learn tutorial
- Parallel and Large Scale Machine Learning with scikit-learn (митап)
- Saving classifier to disk in scikit-learn
Линейная регрессия
- Linear Regression in Python
- Linear Regression using Scikit Learn
- A friendly introduction to linear regression (using Python)
- Linear Regression Example in Python
- Regression analysis using Python StatsModels package
- Run an OLS regression with Pandas Data Frame
Логистическая регрессия
- Logistic Regression with scikit learn
- Logistic Regression in Python
- Implementing the softmax function in Python
- What is the inverse of regularization strength in Logistic Regression? How should it affect my code?
- Example of logistic regression in Python using scikit-learn
- Using Logistic Regression in Python for Data Science
k ближайших соседей
- A good tutorial on implementing K Nearest Neighbors using scikit learn
- Is it possible to specify your own distance function using scikit-learn K-Means Clustering?
- Tutorial To Implement k-Nearest Neighbors in Python From Scratch
- Implementing your own k-nearest neighbour algorithm using Python
- knn Python implementation on StackOverflow
- kNN with big sparse matrices in Python
- Sklearn kNN usage with a user defined metric
Нейронные сети
- Implementing a Neural Network from scratch in Python (код)
- A Neural Network in 11 lines of Python
- Speeding up your Neural Network with Theano and the gpu (код)
- What is the best neural network library for Python?
- Recurrent Neural Net Tutorial in Python Part 1, Part 2 (код)
- PyBrain: modular Machine Learning Library for Python
Деревья решений
- How to extract the decision rules from scikit-learn decision-tree?
- How do I find which attributes my tree splits on, when using scikit-learn?
- Quora: What is a good Python library for decision trees?, StackOverflow
- Building Decision Trees in Python
- Pure Python Decision Trees
- Building a decision tree from scratch in Python – a beginner’s tutorial
- Using Python to Build and Use a Simple Decision Tree Classifier
- Decision trees in python with scikit-learn and pandas
- Code for simple decision tree in Python
- Lesson notebook: Regression and Classification Trees
Случайный лес
- Getting Started with Random Forests: Titanic Competition on Kaggle, Python sample code
- RandomForestClassifier vs ExtraTreesClassifier in scikit learn
- Powerful Guide to learn Random Forest
- How are Feature Importances in RandomForestClassifier determined?
- Random forest interpretation with scikit-learn
- Random Forests in Python Tutorial
- Unbalanced classification using RandomForestClassifier in sklearn
- Random Forest with categorical features in sklearn
- How to output RandomForest Classifier from python?
- Lesson notebook: Ensembling, Bagging, and Random Forests
Метод опорных векторов
- Fastest SVM implementation usable in Python
- An example using python bindings for SVM library, LIBSVM
- What is the best SVM library usable from Python?
- How does sklearn.svm.svc’s function predict_proba() work internally?
- Support vector machine in Python using libsvm example of features
- Linear SVC Machine learning SVM example with Python
- Understanding Support Vector Machine algorithm from examples (along with code)
NLP / Text Mining
- NLP with Python OReilly Book, Python 3
- Awesome Python — NLP
- Awesome Python — Text Processing
- Text Analytics : Intro and Tokenization
- Elegant N-gram Generation in Python
- Computing N Grams using Python
- N-grams: Explanation + 2 applications
- NLP Tutorial with Python
Анализ тональности текста
- Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis
- Basic Sentiment Analysis with Python
- What is the best way to do Sentiment Analysis with Python?
- How to Calculate Twitter Sentiment Using AlchemyAPI with Python
- Second Try: Sentiment Analysis in Python
- Sentiment Analysis with Python NLTK Text Classification
- Sentiment Analysis with bag-of-words
- Sentiment Analysis with Naive Bayes
- Python serialization — Why pickle?
- What is Pickle in python ?
- How to cPickle dump and load separate dictionaries to the same file?
- Understanding Pickling in Python
Регулярные выражения
- RegExr
- Regex101
- Pythex
- How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops
- Advanced Filters: Excel’s Amazing Alternative To Regex
- Calling an external command in Python
- Running shell command from Python and capturing the output
- Can I use Python as a bash replacement?
- Python Scripts as a Replacement for Bash Utility Scripts
- Видео How to Write a Shell Script using Bash Shell in Ubuntu
- Embed bash in python
- PDF Bash2py: A Bash to Python Translator
- Beginners/BashScripting
- The Beginner’s Guide to Shell Scripting: The Basics
- Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial v1.05r3 A Beginner’s handbook
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